50 Instrumental Nursery Rhymes for Karaoke Vol. 2
50 Instrumental Nursery Rhymes for Karaoke Vol. 2
When children want to learn new nursery rhymes, nothing can be better than karaoke versions of popular songs for kids. Certainly, the same goes for parents who would like to sing them to their little sons and daughters or music teachers that would like to teach them in class.
50 Instrumental Nursery Rhymes for Karaoke Vol.2 by Singing Bell includes amazing versions of traditional songs from all over the world. Originally sung in English, French, Spanish, German, Russian and Icelandic, these melodies get a modern treatment from the Singing Bell Team.
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Track listing
1. Humpty-Dumpty
2. Pat-a-Cake
3. The Wheels on the Bus
4. Five Little Monkeys
5. Pop! Goes the Weasel
6. Mexican Hat Dance
7. If you're happy and you know it
8. La Cucaracha
9. Hopp, hopp, hopp
10. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
11. London Bridge is falling Down
12. Ten in the Bed
13. The Animal Fair (in C)
14. The Cuckoo and the Donkey
15. Itsy-Bitsy Spider
16. ABC Song (The Alphabet Song - Long Version)
17. Bingo Song
18. Here We Go Looby Loo
19. This Little Piggy
20. Ten Green Bottles
21. Ring a Ring o'Roses
22. Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
23. See Saw Margery Daw
24. Billy Boy
25. Oh, Susanna!
26. When The Saints Go Marching In
27. For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow
28. Molly Malone (Cockles & Mussels)
29. Les Petites Marionnettes
30. Oats, Peas, Beans & Barley Grow
31. Little Bo Peep
32. Ride a Cock-Horse to Banbury Cross
33. Little Jack Horner
34. Did You Ever See a Lassie?
35. The North Wind Doth Blow
36. Mrs. Macaroni
37. Miss Polly Had a Dolly
38. Atte Kate Nuwa
39. Beriozka (The Birch Tree)
40. The Animals Went in Two by Two
41. When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears
42. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
43. Little Boy Blue
44. Brahms' Lullaby
45. Banuwa
46. Lavender’s Blue
47. Golden Slumbers
48. Rock-a-bye Baby
49. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
50. Hush Little Baby
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